Jackie Lou J. Tagubase, Ph.D.

Associate Professor; Chief, Human Resource Development Office

Email: jjtagubase@up.edu.ph


BS Food Technology
 University of the Philippines Mindanao
Master in Management
University of the Philippines Mindanao
PhD in Agro-Informatics (under Global Agricultural Sciences, major in Food Science)
University of Tokyo, Japan
International Training on Food Safety, Risk Analysis and Quality Assurance
Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium


General Microbiology
Food Microbiology
Food Processing
Food Processing Management
Food Safety
Food Quality Control/Assurance
Fruits and Vegetables Processing
Food Quality Control/Assurance

Animal Science


  1. Food Safety and Quality Management Systems (Food Supply Chain)
  2. Product Development including Food Analysis and Sensory Evaluation (Utilization of Local and Underutilized Raw Materials)


  1. Determination of Sensory Properties of Davao-Produced Dried Cocoa Beans and Tablea  (DOST-PCIEERD-funded project – Project Leader Prof. JN Alviola)
  2. Qualitative Food Safety Risk Assessment in the Upstream Fresh Pork Supply Chain in Davao City during the COVID-19 Pandemic  (UP In-house Research Funds – Project Leader A. Lorilla)
  3. Production and Stability of Probiotic Marang (Artocarpus odoratissimus) Juice During Refrigerated Storage and in Simulated Gastric and Intestinal Conditions (UP In-house Research Funds – Project Leader Prof. KF Calumba)
  4. Microbiological Quality in the Supply Chain of Leafy Vegetables Farmed in Marilog, Davao City (DOST-funded project – Project Leader Prof. A De Cadiz)


  1. Saturos, Z. J. O, Tagubase, J. L. T., Fundador, N.G.V. 2021. Antimicrobial and Mechanical Properties of Jackfruit Seed Starch-based Films Containing Carvacrol. Mindanao Journal of Science and Technology 19(1):84-95
  2. Panong, G. S., Secretaria, L. B., Bayogan, E. V., & Tagubase, J. J. (2020, December). Non-destructive detection of granulation in stored’Magallanes’ pummelo [Citrus maxima (Burm. Ex Rumph.) Merr.] fruit. In III Asian Horticultural Congress-AHC2020 1312 (pp. 471-476).
  3. Obsioma, V. P., Guiral, K.L.G., Matullano, K.R., Lorilla, A.P., Tagubase, J.L.J., Calumba, K. F. A., Sarmiento, J.M.P. & Alviola, P.A. IV. (2020) Linking Socio-demographics of Meat Vendor-processors to Residual Nitrite in Skinless Native Sausage Sold in a Typical Public Market in the Philippines. Philippine Journal of Science, 149 (4), 1141-1149.
  4. Tagubase, J.L., Z. Palangga, L. Hsiuming, T. Araki, S. Ueno, and Y. Yoshie. 2018. Sensory Evaluation of Frozen-Thawed Philippine Durian Cultivars and its Association to Measured Quality Attributes.Transactions of the Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, Vol. 35 (3), pp.261-267.
  5. Tagubase, J.L., S. Ueno, Y. Yoshie, and T. Araki. 2016. Effect of Freezing and Thawing on the Quality of Durian (Durio zibethinus Murray) Pulp. Transactions of the Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, Vol.33 (3), pp.267-272.
  6. Tagubase, J.L.J. and C.A. Lanote. 2011. Sensory Profile Characterization and Comparison of Philippine Civet and Non-civet Coffee. Journal of Nature Studies. Vol. 9(2)/10(1).
  7. Flores, D.M., Shibata, K., Tagubase, J.L., Kobayashi, G. and K. Sonomoto. 2004. Screening, Isolation and Identification of Potent Lactic Acid Bacteria for Direct Lactic Acid Fermentation of Sago Starch. Paper presented at the Annual Seminar on JSPS on Biotechnology for Sustainable Utilization of Biological Resources in the Tropics. December 3-4, 2004 at Bali, Indonesia.

Public Service Engagements

  1. Chief of Human Resource Development Office, UP Mindanao (2019-present)
  2. Resource person, Basic Sensory Evaluation Training for Food Industry
  3. Cacao Bean Grading Workshop: An Introduction. 11-12 February 2022. College of Science and Mathematics Bldg. University of the Philippines Mindanao.
  4. Stakeholders Consultation Meeting for the DOST Food Safety Program Roadmap 2023-2027. 14 October 2021 via Zoom. Department of Science and Technology (DOST). Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (PCIEERD).