Food Safety Management Training
Our DFSC faculty were invited as resource speakers in the “Training for Teachers and Schools Nurses on Food Safety Management” held at Seda Hotel, Davao City, on November 8, 2022.
Our DFSC faculty were invited as resource speakers in the “Training for Teachers and Schools Nurses on Food Safety Management” held at Seda Hotel, Davao City, on November 8, 2022.
Congratulations to Mr. Joshua Cambronero, a BS Food Technology student, for being one of the grantees of the 2022 Undergraduate Thesis Grant on Natural Products! His thesis adviser is Prof. Joel Hassan Tolentino, one of our DFSC faculty. This grant is awarded by the Department of Science and Technology – Philippine Council for Health Research…
UP Mindanao bagged first place awards at the Philippine Society for Microbiology, Inc. Mindanao 27th Annual Convention and Scientific Meeting held on December 1-2, 2022 at Venue 88, General Santos City. Mr. Virgilio Roi Adaptar, a 4th year BS Food Technology student, won FIRST PLACE in the Undergraduate Research Oral Competition. Mr. Adaptar presented his…
The 35th Founding Anniversary of Southern Mindanao Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development Consortium (SMAARRDEC) has showcased several studies from the participating consortium-institutions. The event was held on August 17, 2022, at the University of Southeastern Philippines (USeP) Gymnasium and Cultural Center. Prof. Kriza Faye Calumba gave an oral presentation about the “Development…
Prof. Calumba was recognized as the Outstanding Young Agri-Scientist in the inaugural Young Agri-Laureate Awards (YALA) organized by AGREA. Outstanding youth were also recognized for other categories, namely, Outstanding Young Farmer, Outstanding Young Fisherfolk, Outstanding Young Agri-Chef, and Outstanding Young Agri-Innovator.
Prof. Calumba of the Department of Food Science and Chemistry successfully completed 120 hours of the 4th DOST PCAARRD Intellectual Property Master Class (Non Chemical Patenting) conducted online from 23 March to 27 May 2022.
Mr. Khent Ivan Duerme, one of our DFSC faculty, presented at the 36th Philippine Chemistry Congress held last September 29 to October 1. The study is entitled “Synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Bignay leaf extract and their antimicrobial properties against common foodborne pathogens.”